Monday, February 10, 2014

Exporting Our Future

America achieved greatness on the back of ingenuity.  Inventions of all types stoked a newborn country’s labor force bringing about an industrial revolution like the world had never seen.  As machinery was brought forth to replace manual labor, production levels soared.  Our nation, which had been nearly totally absorbed in agricultural processes, changed.  As machinery removed the drudgery from farming, and less farmers farmed more land, the newly found ex-farmers formed a labor force for the manufacturing revolution.  Our farmers became factory workers.  With the change to manufacturing our country found greatness on a world-wide basis, and rapidly became an industrial giant leading to a world power as great, or greater, than the world had ever known. 

Yet today our politicians have been prone to establish policies in direct opposition to this former greatness.  Do they realize that there are millions of aliens working in our country, and sending most of their wages back to their homeland while the misguided fools of a do-nothing congress talk continuously of allowing them to remain in our country.  Our future social security system is being exported to Mexico, Guatemala, and dozens of  other countries in this manner.

Does the average American citizen realize that every time they buy a Chinese manufactured product that they are in fact subsidizing Chinese labor instead of supporting their own country? 

Wake up America!  Our future is being outsourced!

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