Saturday, March 26, 2011

Beaver Pond 3 26 11

Monday, March 21, 2011, I wrote on this blog that there was a breach of the dam at the pond, and as it was not being repaired that was prima facie evidence there was no beaver there to complete the job.  I presented a photo of the water pouring over the missing area of the dam.  This first photo is that same photo.

Thursday, March 24th, I continued writing telling of my grandson and I spotting a beaver swimming in the pond, and the water level was rising.  It was fairly obvious that the rascal was doing what beavers do.  He was stopping that outflow of water.
Today, Saturday, March 26th, I returned to the pond to ascertain the latest in developments, and hoping to catch Mr. Beaver out and about in daylight so I could take his portrait.  That was not to be, but I did take a photo so you can see how much of a busybody he has been.  About center in this photo you can see the light colored stick on top of the dam.  That is the repaired section where the water was running free a few days ago.  Take note that what was a rushing stream a few days ago is now a trickle as the entire pond fills once again.  Also a few more sticks can be seen trapped in the ice on the pond that our friend has awaiting insertion in his masterpiece creation.

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