Thursday, August 23, 2012

The River Of Life

Imagine a raindrop’s traverse to the sea.  The drop falls, and another, and another.  They touch, form together, and become a puddle.  The puddle then spills over its edge and begins to move ever so slowly downhill.  It will mingle with other raindrops forming small rivulets, which in turn will change into creeks, streams, and eventually into a mighty river.  Although the droplets are ever new, the river remains stable.
            Life is like that mighty river flowing to the sea.  It goes on, incessant, never-ending, forever and ever.  We are born, and another is born, and yet another.  We jump into the stream of life swimming along like fish to the best of our ability.  An individual comes and goes, is born and dies, but the stream of life keeps passing by.
Some like to think they made a big splash when they entered the stream, while others are just content to be borne along, and eventually complete the journey.  In either case, all find that the trip only lasts for a fleeting instant in the grand scheme of life.  The river continues to flow for eons unending.
Whether it is your parent, yourself, or your child in that stream, makes little difference, the stream is incessant.  You are really but a drop of water along the path of that mighty river, but the river of life flows on forever.

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