Friday, September 30, 2011

The Beaver Pond

June 14, 2011 the sluice pipe under the road had been opened so that the water was fast emptying from the beaver pond.  A blog about that can be found here:
Bucky and Eager managed to stem the flow again, and by July 11th the pond was nearly back to its former level.  As my neighbor had planted the field between my land and the pond to corn which had grown to about two feet tall at that time, I could no longer get to the pond for the summer.  September 29th my grandson and I rode our ATV back through my woods and as we approached the corn field we noted a few of the outside rounds had been cut and trucked away for our neighbor’s cattle feed for this coming winter.  We immediately entered the field, drove around the perimeter until we came to the road crossing the pond.  We got only a short look at the pond as they were yet cutting the corn and we could not sit on the roadway they needed for traveling to and fro.
Today, September 30th, we drove back to find this mound of mud and sticks covering the end of the sluice pipe.
Shortly after our arrival, who should pop up from the depths but Mrs. Eager Beaver.
She then began circling a branch she had obviously cut from a shrub on shore.
Soon, after apparently deciding the two strange creatures watching her were acceptable company, began nibbling on her prize foodstuff.
After chowing down for a few minutes she swam over toward us for a final gaze before submerging to enter her bank den through an underwater entrance.

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