Saturday, April 23, 2011


Let’s see how well you can follow this?  My wife’s sister, Karen, married Ronnie.  Ronnie and Karen’s son, Noel, married Mindy, my brother’s granddaughter.  Noel and Mindy have a daughter Emma.  Through Mindy, Emma is my great grandniece.  I’ve no idea what relation she is to me through Karen.  No matter, Ronnie and Karen took Emma fishing and these two specimens are the result.  The two fish are perch.  The two specimens are Ronnie and Emma.  That’s the end to that story.

About the same time the fishing trip was taking place I learned where a wild turkey was nesting.  My brother, Lawrence, trimmed a tree on his lawn.  He then carried the limbs to a woody/swampy area on his property.  Just as he tossed the limbs on a brush pile a turkey erupted from same.  It like to scared him half to death.  At any rate he immediately told me so I could photograph it at will.  I decided to wait a day or two before venturing near it again so I don’t spook the poor hen turkey too badly.  More later.
Later this evening Alex and I wandered back to the Beaver Pond as we do nearly daily.  Our friend, Bucky, was having an evening swim, and decided to show off for us.  First he did a wonderful counterclockwise spin for us.
Showing us that this beautiful arcing turn was not a fluke, he followed it up with another.
Just to prove he was not a one-trick beaver he continued on with a clockwise maneuver which he was just as adept at as the other direction.
At the end he swam a bit closer as he awaited his due applause.

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